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Movember is here!

November is one of my favorite months since we are in the middle of football season, hockey and basketball are starting and my favorite holiday (Thanksgiving) takes place this month.  The last few years has seen a new November tradition and that is Movember.  If you are unfamiliar with Movember you can get a short history of it here.  Basically it started with a small group of men in an Australian pub who decided to grow mustaches to raise money to fight prostate cancer.  Since those humble beginnings, the Movember Foundation has raised over $175 million to fight cancer.

Besides being a great way to raise money to fight prostate cancer, Movember is also responsible for some EPIC ‘staches!  Here are a few of my favorites:

Aaron Rodgers

Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers

Pro Wrestler Hulk Hogan

Pro Wrestler Hulk Hogan

Singer Lionel Richie

Singer Lionel Richie

Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec

Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec


CLP Teen Specialist Simon (the alive one)